I was so excited to check out the all-new Mayan train that I had to experience it!
I am going to share my experience and everything that you need to know about getting from Cancun to Valladolid on the Mayan Train.
Okay, so let’s start in Cancun.
You can use this map to find and book your hotel in Cancun.
I have also marked the Mayan Train Station on this map for you too.
Check out Viator for some great experiences that you can have between Cancun, Tulum and Valladolid before your Mayan Train trip.
Although you can take a bus, the newest and fastest way is to take the Mayan Train!
I really enjoyed my experience riding the Mayan Train!
I am going to share my experience from Cancun to Valladolid on the Mayan train.
It really is very new! In fact, it’s so new that it is still in construction as of March 2024.
The Mayan train in Spanish is ‘El Tren Maya”.
I highly recommend getting your ticket in advance.
There is a website where you can buy your ticket in advance. Just like when you buy an airplane ticket, it will show you a seating chart to pick your seat and class too.
On this site, you can pick which car and which class you want to sit in.
Also, you can pick a window seat or an aisle seat.
Some other options are 4 seats that face each other with a table in the middle or a seat by itself with no one directly next to you.
If you’re being spontaneous you can also buy your ticket at the kiosk at the stations.
The only risk that you run is that that route is sold out or you don’t get the seat or class that you want.
From my experience, the first class sells out first.
TIP: Make sure you find the OFFICIAL website for the Mayan Train! It is a government site. I will list it below here!
The official site is: Mayan Train Tickets.
If it is in Spanish and you don’t understand Spanish, click on the flag in the top right corner to get English text.
The Mayan Train station in Cancun is called the “Estación Tren Maya Cancún” in Spanish.
It is located close to the Cancun airport, in fact there is a shuttle that takes you to the Train station from the airport. It is about 4 kilometers away.
If you would like the address it is: 24HH+49 Cancún Country Club, 77564 in Cancun.
Want to take that trip? I’m also a travel advisor! Reach out & let’s make it happen!
As you take the shuttle or a taxi to the Mayan Train station, you will notice that you’re basically driving through a road that goes through the jungle. It has lots of open area around it, but there is a lot of jungle there!
In fact, you will pass way more than 20 signs that warn you about the presence of jaguars there. For this reason, and the distance, I would not recommend walking to this station at all.
It’s about a 4 kilometers shuttle ride or drive from the airport to the Mayan train station. It takes about 5 minutes to get there.
This is the sign that you will see in the Cancun airport.
Follow the directions on the sign and it will take you to the Mayan Train shuttle.
It is free and it will take you to the door of the Mayan Train station.
I really enjoyed my time on the Mayan Train! It is a smooth and relaxing ride with nice views.
There are big windows so you can sit comfortably and still have a great view!
Inside of the train there is a lot of comfort such as foot rests.
The Mayan Train goes up to 120 or 140 kilometers an hour.
Check out my YouTube video below that has a tour through a Mayan train.
Some of the chairs are facing each other and have these tables that fold opened and closed. All of the seats have arm rests.
The other seats that tray tables like on an airplane.
There are also little stands that come down to rest your feet on.
You don’t have to worry about your phone’s battery because there are plugs on the side of the seats for you to charge your device.
As well, you can hang your purse or bag on the little hook on the back of the chair in front of you.
There is a kiosk in the 2nd car where people can order snacks, drinks and food.
People are allowed to walk around the car from train to train. You just have to press the little green button and the doors will open.
It is easy to mingle throughout the train. People gather and line up around the food area, so it can get a bit crowded there at times.
TIP: Bring Mexican Pesos with you in small bills. Debit or credit card payments may not be accepted at times.
Yes, there are 2 classes of seats on the Mayan Train.
There is first class and standard seating.
The front car carries the first class seats. The rest of the seats considered standard class or ‘turista’.
Standard class seat are throughout the rest of the other train cars.
Another important difference is the other type of ticket that you can buy. There is a price for Nationals, meaning Mexican citizens, and a price for International tourists.
Make sure you buy your ticket from the correct category. The staff will come around through the train to check your ticket; they may also ask for ID proving that you are a National as well.
These signs are hanging in the Valladolid train station.
Here you can see the prices for people who are not Mexican citizens.
It says International Price in Spanish. There is another chart that shows the national prices for Mexican citizens.
This is where you can see the difference in price between the first class (premier) and standard (turista) tickets.
You can pick either a first class or standard seat for national and international pricing. All prices are in Mexican pesos.
TIP: Bring Mexican Pesos with you in small bills. Because the route goes through quite a few areas that have no WIFI. There is a strong possibility that they won't be able to accept your debit or credit card. Technically debit and credit cards are accepted *** only when they have wifi service available.
Yes, you can get some basic food and drink on the Mayan Train. They have different types of drinks such as pops, (sodas) juice, milk, water, coffee, tea, and beer.
As for food they sell chocolate bars, potato chips, nuts, cookies, and fruit cups.
If you’re looking for something more substantial they also sell ham and cheese sandwiches that can be warmed.
If you buy a standard ticket, you can buy any drinks or food that you want from the kiosk.
If you buy a first class ticket, you get some food and drinks included. Let me break it down for you.
On first class, to start you get a coffee or tea. After that they come around with a large fruit cup, then they offer you a pop.
The staff use the same type of cart like on airplanes.
If you’re in first class you can also order a sandwich or other item and they will bring it to you.
Yes, you can buy alcohol on the Mayan Train. They sell Corona, Pacifico, Montejo, and some mixed drinks.
When the train starts moving, there will be staff coming around to each person to check their tickets and their final destination.
They will make an announcement when they enter your car asking everyone to prepare their tickets for inspection.
When I was on the train they only announced it in Spanish, but I asked the staff and they said that majority of the staff also know how to speak English too.
I bought my ticket online, so I simply opened my download on my phone to show them.
Other people had a printed copy of their ticket. They have a scanner where they scan your ticket.
Here I have some screenshots of what part of a ticket looks like. It is actually 2 pages, but this is the cool looking part! lol!
On the Mayan Train it takes a bit over an hour to get from the Cancun Mayan Train Station to the Valladolid Train Station.
There are 2 other stations between Cancun and Valladolid.
I feel that the easiest and fastest way from Cancun to Valladolid is on the Mayan Train.
This is picture of the map of the Mayan Train routes.
The stops marked by green are where you can get on and off of the train.
The red dots are stops that were yet to be opened. Some have since opened.
The yellow dots are where they only stop if someone wants to get off the train at this time.
When I was at the Mayan Train Station in Cancun it was still very much under construction.
After talking with the staff there, I was told that the 2nd floor will open later.
There will be escalators to take you to the washroom which will be on the 2nd floor.
There will also be some places to get food at the Cancun station in the future on the 2nd floor too.
It is an open air station with areas with a roof over top. I recommend sunglasses and/or a hat for the sun.
I think it will be very nice once it is all complete!
I have marked the Valladolid Station and some other interesting places on this map for you to check out.
You can also research and book your hotel in Valladolid using the markers on this map.
The Mayan Train Station in Valadolid is very nice. This one seemed to be almost done.
There are elevators and escalators to get from the 1st and 2nd floor.
They have lots of signs with information around and some informational videos playing.
This station is very spacious and big.
When you get off the train you go through the train station until you get to the main exit/entrance.
There you will see 2 different counters. One counter is to buy your Mayan train ticket. This counter is a permanent part of the building.
The other counter is a kiosk in the middle of the station by the entrance. This is where you can buy your ticket to take the bus into downtown Valladolid.
The bus looks like this and is from the ‘Oriente’ company.
After you take the bus ride. It takes about 10-15 minutes, you will get off at the ADO bus station in Valladolid.
This Valladolid bus station is about an 8 minute walk from the main square.
You can walk down the street for 3 blocks, then you will see the main park which is a big square.
It’s called the Parque Principal Francisco Cantón Rosado.
This park is like the heart and the centre of the town.
You can easily walk from the ADO bus station to the park and the hotels in the area.
The sidewalks are fairly smooth. Yes, there are some areas where you have to turn your luggage sideways or lift it for a second, but it’s much better than I have seen in some other Mexican spots.
They even have these wheelchair accessibility ramps that you can use for your mobility or your luggage on wheels.
You may be standing at an intersection and wondering where the ramp is… well they are a little bit back from the corner, so look back and you will most likely see it.
Sometimes they are painted blue with a wheelchair accessible sign, other times they are not painted at all.
You can cross the road there easily.
If you’re looking for some things to do in Valladolid, check out the Best Things to do in Valladolid, Mexico!
If you’re looking for some tours you can check on Viator.
So, what do you think? I have shared 2 of the many stops along the Mayan Train.
Which stops would you go to? Possibly Chichen Itza or Tulum?
What do you think about the Mayan Train?
Would you go from Cancun to Valladolid on the Mayan Train?
Are you looking to book some tours at your destinations once you get off of the Mayan Train? You can check out your options, and even book, right here!
Whether you’re staying in Valladolid or at another destination along the Mayan Train route, you can research and book your hotels here using this map.
I have marked some of the Mayan train routes on this map. They are near the bottom of Mexico.
Besides being a travel blogger, I am also a travel writer, Amazon author and an English teacher. Check out my services here!
I'm writing these travel blogs to bring you travel tips, reviews, recommendations & more! I am also a Travel Content Writer, Amazon Author, and an Internationally Certified English teacher. I thrive on opening doors in your life to make you more successful through writing, sharing, and teaching!
Copyright © 2025 Open Doors With Words by Lorraine Black. All rights reserved.