How to stop boredom while on a long flight
Long flight? Stop boredom!
So you have a long flight coming up…
It can get boring being confined to your seat for so many hours…
Here are my top tips on how to stop boredom while on a long flight!
Get Online Wifi
Some airlines offer you the chance to buy wifi packages for your flight.
Sometimes you have to have downloaded the airlines’s app before you take off.
So, I would check out those details before you fly.
This way you can use the airlines app to see where you are and how much longer the flight is.
Also, you can watch movies, play games, scroll social media, or whatever you prefer to do!
Bring an activity book
Travel Coloring Book For Adults
$9.49 Get the Travel Book -
The Ultimate Travel Activity Book
$9.89 Get The Ultimate Travel Activity Book -
Mexico Fiesta Word Search
$8.99 Get Mexico Fiesta Word Search -
All Canadian Word Search
$8.96 Get All Canadian Word Search -
Vacation Word Search
$8.90 Get Vacation Word Search
Here are some of my books that I wrote with the idea of giving you something to do while you’re travelling.
There are 3 different word search books. They are large print and 8.5″ x 11″. in size. They are:
There are also 2 small travel books. If you’re looking for more variety during your long flight, then The Ultimate Travel Activity Book may be for you!
There is a large variety of activities like colouring pages, crosswords, word searches, cryptograms, bucket lists, riddles, and much more. If you’re looking for variety, I would recommend The Ultimate Travel Activity Book.
If you really love colouring then I recommend Travel Coloring Book For Adults. This has a variety of travel-themed colouring pages.
These 2 books are smaller in size, 6″ x 6″, perfect for a carry on bag!
Don’t forget your pen, pencil or markers.
Could you imagine, you remember the books but have nothing to actually complete the activities with…
That really wouldn’t help stop boredom while you’re on your long flight at all.
Want to take that trip? I’m also a travel advisor! Reach out & let’s make it happen!
Play cards
All you need is 1 deck of cards and your tray table.
There are games like solitaire that you can play on your own.
You can challenge your travel partner or seat neighbour to a game of war or rummy.
They may not be up for it, but you never know!
I know that this first deck of cards looks normal, but the .
I love this super fun travel-inspired deck of cards!
Each card has a different travel destination. Wouldn’t it be so fun to pick your next travel destination by the card that you drew from the deck!!
Organize your bag
These mesh travel pouches help to organize things in your carry on bag or purse.
I use the smaller ones for earrings or jewelry.
I use another one for my phone charger and any other electronic accessories.
I keep my pen in one, so I have it for my travel activity books, as well as any immigration forms that I have to fill out.
It’s the worst when you don’t have a pen and you just want to get your luggage and get to the beach, but you have to search out a pen first.
Next thing you know, you’re behind a whole bunch of people that had pens and lined up quickly…
If you want to bring your carry-on bag to the next level of organization, then I recommend this electronic organizer.
I use it for more than just electronics though.
I put my extra camera memory cards and USBs in there, but I also put my passport and documents in it when I don’t need them. I add my keys, and other items to it as well.
Go through your photos and storage on your phone.
It’s one of those things that I always want to do, so that I don’t run out of space on my phone, but I don’t often get around to doing it.
One time that I always end up going through my phone is on a long flight.
Imagine, you’re at your destination capturing a beautiful once-in-your-lifetime scenario, you go to take another picture- FULL!
I had it happen to me once, and I learned my lesson. So every flight, I start deleting older photos and videos.
Also, check your downloads, screenshots and GIFs that save in your phone too.
Lastly, don’t forget to delete the ‘trash bin’ so that you actually do free up that storage.
Write, reflect, and plan!
If you like to plan things out, then use the travel planner.
You can work on your bucket list, itinerary planning, write down and organize your hotel and travel details, write down your souvenir and gift buying list and more!
Also, there are some journal pages where you can write about your travel goals, memories or things that you want to do at your destination.
If the journal pages is more your style then My Travel Journal is probably your best option. You can write freely and take up as much space as you like!
You can write about your memories, goals, plans, and ideas.
Also, you can draw or collect souvenirs in My Travel Journal.
Use it as you however you please.
If you’re interested in learning more about these 2 books and how they can be used, check out 19 Ways to Use a Travel Journal.
Make Friends
Whether you’re travelling alone or with someone, chat with the people next to you.
Of course, this is only if the circumstances are right.
It’s so annoying when you’re trying to read or sleep and someone’s starts chatting with you about nothing truly important.
Maybe you will end up playing a game of cards with your neighbour on your flight, or just chatting about each other’s lives.
I know of people who ended up with new friendships and business deals because of getting to know their neighbour on their flight!
Learn a language
Maybe you’re headed to a destination where you don’t speak the language, or you’re learning the language.
Here is your chance to practice and prepare for when you arrive.
Check out some common and useful phrases and any specific words that you will need to know.
Perhaps you’re a vegetarian, or allergic to seafood, it’s a good idea to learn how to communicate that in the language.
It’s nice to learn how to say words that are polite. as well as words that are essential for you.
I usually use Pocket phrase books for the language that I need to learn.
Some examples of words that are helpful to learn are:
- please
- excuse me
- thank you
- you’re welcome
- help
- yes
- no
- I don’t know
- washroom
- bill
- hello
- how are you?
- Nice to meet you
- My name is ____.
Whenever I have a flight that is more than 2 hours, I buy a meal to eat on the plane.
I will wait until we’re in the air and and when I feel like it, I will slowly eat my meal.
Maybe I’m watching a movie as I eat my sandwich and salad.
Sometimes I will also bring a snack like chips, popcorn, or fruit salad and slowly enjoy it while I watch the clouds.
This is a perfect opportunity to savour every bite, because what’s the rush…
One of the best ways to have time go by quickly without noticing too much is to sleep.
It can be challenging to sleep on a plane though. There are many distractions, like babies crying, kids playing loud video games, people talking loudly, your neighbour distracting you, turbulence, and more.
It can also be very cold or uncomfortable, depending on the airline and where your seat is.
I usually bring a few things to keep the level of discomfort down.
I prefer to be as comfortable as I can possibly be on the plane, and for me that means being warm!
I always bring warm socks so that I can take off my shoes, or if I am wearing sandals, I can cover my feet to keep them warm and clean.
I also bring an airplane blanket with feet pockets that keeps me warm from head to toe and is only as wide as a seat, so I’m not bothering my neighbours with my blanket.
To keep the distractions from bothering you as much, I recommend using ear plugs and an eye mask if you want to sleep.
Especially if it’s day light or the lights are on.
The ear plugs can help keep away some of those distracting noises that may keep you awake.
It’s no fun when you wake up after sleeping with a kink in your neck. Especially if you’re still stuck on the plane for a while. It makes it hard to stretch it out properly.
So, I try to avoid this by using a neck pillow with double support.
You can double up the side where you will sleep and it can prevent your neck from being so crocked.
In fact, there are directions for how to use the pillow if you have a window, aisle or middle seat. I thought that was very clever when I first saw it.
It comes in 4 sized and a bunch of colours and designs too!
These items can also come in handy at your hotel room. Check out these 15 Tips to Sleep Better at your Hotel too!
Plan your tours
If you have wifi, you can go on Viator and look for tours and excursions for when you’re at your destination.
In fact, you can browse and book your tours online while you’re flying!
Check out hotels
If you have wifi, you can use your time to check out your accommodations!
Maybe you have a hotel already booked you can go on booking.com and check out the details of your stay and look at photos of your hotel.
I always look at a photo of the outside so that I can recognize it as I am arriving.
If you didn’t book a place to stay you can check out what’s available and all of the details at booking.com.
Feel free to check out these hotel reviews if you’re headed to the destinations.
Getting around your destination
If I have wifi, I like to familiarize myself with the areas that I will be. I look at the maps and see how far things are from my hotel.
Maybe you want to get an airport car rental, you can use Discover Cars to check out some deals.
You can check out car rentals and even book your rental before you land.
I hope that some of these suggestions will help you on your next flight.
Travel should be fun, exciting and enjoyable.
Hopefully, I am able to help you to stop boredom while on your next long flight.
Besides being a travel blogger, I am also a travel writer, Amazon author and an English teacher. Check out my services here!
Lorraine Black
I'm writing these travel blogs to bring you travel tips, reviews, recommendations & more! I am also a Travel Content Writer, Amazon Author, and an Internationally Certified English teacher. I thrive on opening doors in your life to make you more successful through writing, sharing, and teaching!