Open Doors With Words

Travel Blogger/Writer & English Teacher
Creating your Bucket List Blog title person writing

Creating your Bucket List

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Creating your bucket list

As we’re coming to the end of another year, maybe it’s making you think about your life and what you want to accomplish in the future.

Creating your bucket list is way to focus on these goals. I am going to share some tips with you about creating your own bucket list.  I will also talk about why it’s important to have a bucket list.

What is a bucket list?

The term bucket list comes from the English expression ‘to kick the bucket’ which means to die. So, this is a list of things to do during your life time, or before you die.

A bucket list is a checklist of things you want to do that can change over time.

I talked with a friend who said what if you check off everything on your list… then what!

In my opinion, a bucket list can be changed; things can be taken off, added, or changed as your life changes. 

Perhaps you realize that something is not for you, or your goal have changed as you change as a person.

The bucket list could also be a list of achievements or goals that you want to reach throughout your life. 

Why create a bucket list?

I don’t know about you, but for me, time can go very quickly.  You look up, and next thing you know a couple months have gone by… then it’s a year later! …and you say that you can’t believe how fast time is going!

I find that having a bucket list helps you to NOT get caught up in the daily grind or trying to get that new project done.

Bucket lists cause you to look up, and to look at the bigger picture of life, and consider what’s really important to you.

They can be a motivator and help to put your life into perspective.

Even more so, we can be forced to notice our pace of life and make adjustments so that we can check off the goals on our lists.

I also feel that bucket lists can help keep balance in our lives. When we take the time to review our lists that we have created, it can cause us to shift our ways, or our lists, at times.

These lists can be that last push to actually take a leap and go for it!

Carpe diem!! 

Working on completing a bucket list is exciting! It keeps mystery and enthusiasm in our daily lives.

…What will it be like, what will happen, how will I react, when will I check off that item from my bucket list, will I be able to follow through on it…

My answer is YES! Go for it!


Why is it good to have a bucket list?

Bucket lists can give us inspiration and something special to look forward to.

Even more, a bucket list can push you to plan that trip or experience, rather than leaving it as a thing that you will do ‘one day…’.

Also, bucket lists can be that kick you need to just do it! Carpe diem… as I said earlier.

Creating your bucket list is not just about writing down places you wish to visit on a piece of paper…

It’s about manifesting your dreams, setting goals, and making your life the way that you want it to be.  Hopefully it is full of many wonderful, interesting, and new experiences for you.   

A bucket list is us writing down what we want our life to be, and then encouraging ourselves to seize that life!

What is on your bucket list?

Yes, career and education goals are good, but I feel that there’s more to life than that.  To me, travel and experience goals are just as important, if not more…

When we think back on our lives so far, we remember wonderful and interesting moments more often than we remember our jobs.

Obviously for me, as a travel blogger, travel is a huge thing on my list, but more than just travel, it’s experiences too.

Like witnessing the sunset at that epic beach location; crossing the longest suspension bridge in the world; jumping out of that airplane; and seeing that rare bird in the jungle.. etc.

(Yes, I’ve done all of those – checked off the list!)

Of course, destinations are definitely items on my bucket list too.’

But more than just destinations, I have activities to do, things to experience, and adventures to take on my bucket list.

TIP: Dream big! Write that big goal down! It may be the best decision you've ever made!

Some bucket list ideas

Maybe you want do something epic like Zip line over the Niagara River while zipping towards the Niagara Falls. You can get all the details about that here – 16 Epic Things To Do in Niagara Falls.

Inspire yourself!

Your bucket list is your chance to encourage, motivate and push yourself.  Even more, it’s your chance to forecast and manifest your life.

Bucket lists can help us to break down our comfort zones.  They can push us to look past negative or limiting thoughts and instead, try something new. 

You can have a higher sense of adventure in your life when you have all of these interesting things that you want to do, and you actually start doing them!

Think about the sense of achievement, that feel-good feeling, when you check something off of your list! Not only are you getting something done, you’re also enjoying new experiences in life, and making a dream come true!

Also, our lives can have a greater sense of meaning as we are working towards something – completing the current things on your bucket list!

From my experience, using a bucket list can cause personal growth.

All of those great memories that you have from your completed bucket list items will fill the pages of your travel journal and you will have amazing stories to tell people that you meet.
Bucket lists can cause our priorities to be different and to balance our lives from the daily grind.
A lot of personal growth can come from creating a bucket list! Conquering fears, being open-minded, trying new things, and expanding our lives can all happen through the things on your bucket list.
You may feel a sense of hope or positivity as these things seem more doable now that they’re written down on your bucket list.

A bucket list gives you reasons to celebrate life!

How can I get ideas for my bucket list?

If you’re looking for more inspiration for your bucket list, there are many places that you can go.

You can look at travel sites, bloggers, and travel magazines.  This way you can learn more about different places and experiences that you may not be aware of.

Also, talking with people can be a great source of inspiration for your bucket list.

Ask questions like:

  • What was your best memory?
  • Where is your favourite place to travel and why?
  • What have you accomplished, and not accomplished, on your bucket list?
  • What’s the most ____ thing that you have ever done? (insert descriptor- exciting, scary, interesting, amazing, etc)
  • What are some of your favourite memories so far?

Of course, there is always social media.  All those Instagram reels and TikTok videos.  Keep in mind that some of the videos are staged or use filters, but there is still a lot of great ideas and interesting things shown that you may want to add to your bucket list.

Talk to your travel agent, talk about what kind of experiences you’re looking to add to your list.  For example, I want to find natural wonders or wonders of the world to visit.  They can recommend specific places for you to visit.

Another wonderful source of inspiration is:

World Records

Maybe you want your bucket list to be full of records of the best, the highest, the most, the tallest, etc places and experiences. 

If so, check out the Guiness World Records website.  It’s full of interesting records that you could possibly go see or experience.

An example of one world record that I experienced was crossing the longest suspension bridge in the world.

Check out my YouTube video of me crossing the longest suspension bridge in the world above!

If you’re feeling really adventurous, you could add climbing the 3rd Largest Monolith in the world to your bucket list too.

My YouTube video is below so you can get a taste of what it’s like.


UNESCO can be a great source of inspiration for your bucket list too!

If you’re looking for beautiful places, protected places, ancient places, endangered areas, unique places and experiences, and world renowned places UNESCO is your best friend.

You can check out the World Heritage List on UNESCO or you can just scroll through the whole UNESCO site for tons of epic ideas and motivation to create your bucket list.

How to create a bucket list

You could keep it simple and have a piece of paper and write things on it, then check them off when you’re done.

You could also put them in different sections or topics.

For example, the topics could be: achievements I will have earned, places I will have travelled, things I will have done, and things that I will try.

Or… you could have sections like: do, taste, see, visit. After you just list your items under each category.

If you’re like me, and travel and new experiences are a huge part of your goals on your bucket list, here a few other options.

You could write each continent as a title for a section, then write each place or experience that you want to have in that continent.

If you want to break it down more, you could list the countries as the titles, then write all the places that you want to go to in that country on your bucket list.

Of course, you can always create your bucket list with the things that you want to do the most, or first, at the top of your list and continue your list from there.

Feel free to add colour, pictures, websites, or anything that you want!

Make your bucket list inspiring for you and manifest all of those things in your life! 

Manifest it!

A bucket list is your chance to dream big!

When you write things down you are putting more energy towards your goals.

When you think about them and put energy into learning about them or planning them, you put even more momentum towards manifesting your list to come true!

Are you ready to create your bucket list?

So now that we have talked all about creating your bucket list, I hope you’re ready to go make your bucket list! 

Remember creating your bucket list is more than just a list of places to visit.  It’s a map or blueprint for enriching your life with adventure, exploration, diversity, variety and personal growth.

As you begin your bucket list journey, remember that it can change over time.  

Welcome the excitement of new discoveries and the delight of crossing things off of your list one by one.  Each item adds more depth to your life and you as a person!

So, what are you waiting for, open up your notebook or laptop and begin designing your life through your bucket list! 

Take action and make these items on your bucket list come to life!

Tours all around the world!

Maybe some of your bucket list can be checked of by taking a tour!

You can explore the tours for ideas for your bucket list below.

You can check them out here, and even book right here too with Viator!

This way you can book your tickets in advance and be sure that you can check that tour or experience off of your bucket list! What a great feeling!

Where to Stay

No matter where your bucket list may take you, you may need a place to stay.  Check out

In fact, staying at some of the amazing hotels around the world may be on your bucket list!  There are some amazing stays like ice hotels, tree houses, glamping, tiny houses, cottages and more!

Use the widget below to check them out and book your hotel too!

So, what is on your bucket list? Did you add anything new after reading this travel blog?  Maybe you’re going to create your first official bucket list?

I’m looking forward to hearing about your bucket lists in the comments below.

Besides being a travel blogger,  I am also a travel writer, Amazon author and an English teacher. Check out my services here!

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