21 Reasons that Travel is Important!
Travel is good for you!
Did you know that travel is good for you?
Yep! It Is! There are many reasons why it’s valuable.
Here, I’m going to share 21 reasons that travel is important!
Which number is the most important for you? Maybe it’s 4, 7 or 21…
Let’s find out!
Here are some of my must-haves for my travels!
Good to Know First!
Click the links to check them out!
Book your Tours
Don't miss out on that great experience because it's sold out! Book in advance and know you will have this experience!
eSim Card
Stay in contact, get directions, & check out the best local places with your phone minus the expensive international charges!
Rent your Car
Get your rental car booked in advance so you can adventure around your destination.
Luggage Storage
Arrived early or staying later? Store your luggage safely so that you can enjoy freely!
Book your hotel
Get the location, class & style of hotel that you want! Book in advance & have peace of mind!
Rent Bikes etc.
Rent your motorcycle, scooter, quads,& bicycles here in advance so you can travel freely!
1. Inspiring
Whether it’s historical things, art, performances or meeting people, they can inspire us to change our opinions or to make change in our lives.
Possibly, travel can be that final ‘push’ to finally jump in and make that life change that you’ve been thinking about!
It can bring out your creative side to try new things, or entice you to try to do things differently.
Watching other’s lifestyles can be very inspiring!
For example, through travel I have seen people that live on a boat or cruise ship, people who create intricate beautiful hand-embroidered art, and people who have created a new life in a different country. All very inspiring!

2. Awareness of biases or stereotypes
Sometimes travelling can be eye-opening. 👀
It can teach you so much about cultures, countries, lifestyles, and so much more!
Sometimes we have assumptions, whether it be from movies, books, listening to others, and more.
Visiting new places, getting off of the resorts, and mingling with people and local businesses is a great way to learn about different cultures and places.
I have had so many interesting learning experiences while travelling.
Learning more about street smarts, different social norms and customs, and about traditions in different countries are a few of the things that I have learned.
My eyes have been opened to new ways of living and a different sense of ‘normal’ than what I was previously used to.
I have been surprised by things that I have learned about different cultures such as their houses, foods that they eat, salaries, beliefs, customs, and much more!
Travel has caused me to widen my definition of concepts and has increased my awareness of the diversity of people in each country.
3.Learn about other cultures
I love seeing authenticity and tradition.
On top of that, I especially value traditional Indigenous culture and traditions.
Being an Indigenous person from Canada, where colonization affected culture so much, I really value seeing Indigenous cultures and traditions in all countries.
I have learned about new ways of celebrating holidays such as Easter, and I’ve learned about new holidays that we don’t celebrate in Canada.
I find it very interesting, and frankly, sometimes more fun than what I am used to at times!
There are some amazing festivals and celebrations around the world that are based upon the culture.
4. Try great foods!
Talk about perks!! The food! 😋
Exploring new spices, flavours and combinations!
I have had both good and bad experiences with trying traditional foods from other areas.
I suggest moderation if it’s a completely new food and to understand what you’re eating.
There are some points about fully understanding what you’re eating in Everything you need to know about being a vegetarian in Mexico.
Food is often the centre of many gatherings, it’s a sign of gratitude and welcoming.
Also, food is sharing of traditions and culture. Cooking together or taking a cooking class can be educational, bonding and delicious!
Sometimes eating out can be a very unique experience, like when I ate at a Restaurant in a Cave – Mexico and when I ate in the other cave: Cave Restaurant Alux- Playa Del Carmen
To me, food brings people together and tastes great! 😊
5. Take a break from daily routine
Turn off that alarm clock, put away the agenda, and forget about responsibilities.. well most of them anyway!
Change it up and enjoy a different pace or way of life while you’re travelling!
When you’re somewhere new, even just a simple walk can lead to a new adventure, and you usually don’t have the time restraints of going to work, unless you’re a digital nomad that is.
Even if you’re a digital nomad, find time to break routine, while still maintaining your responsibilities.
Let yourself slip into relaxation, adventurer, explorer, and being open to new experiences mode!
Want to take that trip? I’m also a travel advisor! Reach out & let’s make it happen!
6. Gain appreciation
As I travel, I gain so much appreciation for everything in life!
When I learn more about how things are made, I value the products and souvenirs so much more!
I don’t know about you, but for me, as I have amazing traditional experiences, I truly value the experience and all of the details that are put into events, decor, performances, clothing, food, and more!
I love rich cultural experiences that are authentic!

7.Experience new things
There are so many experiences that I have only had while travelling like ziplining through a jungle, crossing the Longest Suspension Bridge in the World, Release a Baby Sea Turtle into the ocean, seeing amazing performers and so much more!
Some things simply aren’t available where you live, so travelling is the only way to experience it.
Watching whales, learning traditional dances, and learning to make new foods or items are all examples of experiences that you can have while travelling.
Really, I feel that the possibilities are endless!
It all depends upon how adventurous, able and willing you are to try these new experiences!
There are so many possibilities, it’s one of the things that I love about travelling.
You can check out some tours for your next destination, and even book them here!
8. Be humbled
Standing next to ancient pyramids that were made ages ago and pondering how it all happened… Guide to Visiting the Teotihuacan Pyramids. Amazing!
This is just one example of ways that travelling can be humbling.
I find that travel makes you realize how small where you are really is. I notice that it brings awareness to how big the world is and all the beautiful differences.
One’s life can really be put into perspective.
We may learn that our problems really aren’t that bad, and that they will pass.
Travelling can give us a reality check about our quality of life or situations in our lives.
I find that travel makes me be humble about what I have, as I see others who have less and are completely happy!
Also, I realize how much I don’t yet know about the world as I explore new places. I still have so much to learn. I stay open to different perspectives and ways of life.
Seeing how ecosystems and communities around the world function can be absolutely amazing!
I have increased my level of appreciation for things in life through travel. 😊
9. Support others
Some people rely solely on tourists purchases to support their families.
Buy local from the vendors, business owners, artists and more. It will be an authentic souvenir or gift to bring home.
You are helping the local people to support their families and make a living.
Additionally, I have had to help travellers who didn’t speak Spanish or French to figure out where they are or to communicate with others.
I remember there was an older gentleman trying to put a pay-as-you-go credit on his phone, but it didn’t work. He couldn’t explain this to the store clerk, so I ended up being the in between person to communicate, and he ultimately get his phone loaded.
What goes around, comes around.
***Be careful of scams, make sure you’re not alone and can’t be taken advantage of when helping others.
For example, I won’t pull over to help a broken down car while driving in another countries due to some scams. There car is not really broken down…
Safety is number 1.
I recommend focusing on buying local, eating local, enjoying the shows, performers and artists. Giving tips to the performers, servers, and hotel staff.
10. Learn a Language
Here’s your chance, your immersed in the culture! Break out those words that you looked up in your travel dictionary!
Learn a word or two a day. Challenge yourselves to use them!
As an English teacher, I know it’s a fact that every single person, no matter there age or other characteristics, can be shy or nervous to speak another language.
However, when you are trying to speak the local language, and the local people hear that you’re trying, it is usually always appreciated.
Maybe they will even teach you some new words! You never know…
I remember back when I worked on a cruise ship, my friend and I would mingle around the different countries we visited and learn a new word every time we visited.
It eventually grew to a new phrase or sentence a day.
This is how I started to learn Spanish.
Check out some Spanish words with these Best Mexico Travel Tips! (Read Before You Go).

11. Meet new people
I have met fellow Canadians while travelling, as well as people from all around the world!
It’s so interesting and fun!
If you really think about it, people, connections, and moments together are really what makes for great memories.
The challenge of communicating when you don’t speak the same language as the other person or people, is so interesting and funny at times!
I know of many people that have met great friends while travelling or on vacation!
Moreover, I know people who have met their spouses while travelling.
I am one of them! 😊 Wasn’t my plan, but so glad!
Travelling allows us to connect with people that we would have never had the opportunity to meet otherwise!
12. Gain new perspectives
As you compare your life to those that you meet in other countries, it can really change our perspectives of our own life.
Looking at other’s houses, jobs, communities, food, lifestyle and more can really broaden our personal opinions.
I find that talking with people from other countries can be so enlightening.
It may cause you to see things in a different light or to become aware of things that you didn’t even know about before!
How wonderful!
13. Memories that last a lifetime!
Aren’t travel stories the best!
Remember that time when we were in Hawaii…
Life is all about moments!
Carpe Diem! Enjoy where you are, who are you with, and the exact moment that you are in.
I find it’s the unexpected things that are the best!
Never forget those amazing memories by writing them in a travel journal! I have created a travel journal for this exact purpose!
You can get yours through Amazon. Just click the link to get to it!
14. Fulfill a bucket list
Check, check, check! Doesn’t checking things off your list feel great!
Bucket lists are meant to be accomplished! Go for it!
Life is meant to be lived fully, so don’t let fear or worry stop you! (Of course, be safe.)
Make that list and go do it!
The stories, memories and sense of accomplishment are awesome!
I have skydived, hang glided, worked on a cruise ship, ziplined through the jungle to name a few.
My list continues!!!
So, what’s on your list?? Don’t have one?? Check out this guide to help you build your own bucket list! Creating your Bucket List

15. Get rid of the mundane
Turn off the morning alarm clock, put away the paperwork, and do different! Anything different!
Travel can make us realize when we have fallen into a rut.
Maybe we do realize that we’re in a rut and travel is the solution! It helps us to break up our normal way of life!
What comfort zone… stretch outside of those comfort zones while travelling can be a great way to feel like life is different.
Forgetting about your Tuesday night sitcom or binge watching videos… instead go to the beach, explore a new area etc.
Travelling can shake up our lives in a good way!
16. Learn new things
Every single time that I travel I learn something new! It’s great!
Maybe it’s something new about a language, or a new holiday or custom in a specific country.
Did you know that Mexico has hand signs that are commonly used, if you understand them, you understand the people and their culture more.
You can check out the hand signs in the Best Mexico Travel Tips! (Read Before You Go).
17. Learn about history
There are so many interesting museums, galleries, historical monuments, and more around the world.
Even street names hold a lot of history in different countries.
To me, learning the history of a place helps me to understand the culture more.
Also, parks sometimes have lots of plaques and statues that hold historical information.
I love old buildings, castles and learning about their stories.
Going on tours of buildings, land, walking tours, museums, galleries, and talking to locals is a great way to learn about the history while travelling.
18. Personal Growth
Self-awareness is something that I have gained through travelling.
Challenging old beliefs and limiting thoughts can be done while travelling.
Also, I find that travel can help in getting rid of fears and comfort zones as you try new things.
I have done things that I never thought that I would. I crossed this suspension bridge, I held my breath for a bit I think, but I did it! It was worth it, and I had a fresh shot of tequila after! 😆
19. Connections
Strengthen connections with your travel companions.
Whenever I have went on a vacation or travelled with someone, I always feel more connected with them afterwards.
All those inside jokes and memories. Remember that amazing molcajate or that beautiful view…
I think this is the reason that there are couple’s retreats, to grow your connection with your partner.
Maybe there are some challenging times during your travels, this is also something that you went through and survived together.
Simply put, having fun and new experiences with someone is bonding and so nice! 😊
20. Physical Health
Physical activity is so important. I don’t know about you, but when I’m travelling I walk sooo much!
Think of the activities that we may possibly do while travelling:
- snorkelling
- scuba diving
- swimming
- walking
- hiking
- kayaking or canoeing
- sports
- yoga or zumba vacation classes
- dancing
- and much more interesting experiences!
The expression says – move it or lost it. I choose to keep healthy movement in my body and move it.
I feel that travelling keeps me moving much more. I am inspired to walk more and explore new areas.
I also try new things that I may not when I’m not travelling.
Who can resist swimming in the ocean! Even walking on the sand can be a mini workout!
If you’re looking for something a little more structured, check out this widget with tours! You can even book your tour right here!
Keeping physical is all a part of Self-care While Travelling.
21.Mental Health
Travelling can improve your mood, relax you, cause you to slow down and just be…
Yes, just be!
Travel can reduce your stress, anxiety, worry, and sadness. I have known people who have been mourning and travel therapeutically for mental health reasons.
Also, travel can be distracting, entertaining, interesting, and so much more!
It can especially be exciting and fun.
When you travel, it can make you think and ‘challenge your brain’ to remember things, like directions, locations, names, and words from another language.
Simply put – Travel makes me happy! Does it do the same for you?
Here are some tips to maintain Self-care While Travelling.
What are your reasons?
So, which reasons speaks to you the most? Why do you travel?
Write your number in the comments below.
Looking forward to reading your comments.
Besides being a travel blogger, I am also a travel writer, Amazon author and an English teacher. Check out my services here!
Lorraine Black
I'm writing these travel blogs to bring you travel tips, reviews, recommendations & more! I am also a Travel Content Writer, Amazon Author, and an Internationally Certified English teacher. I thrive on opening doors in your life to make you more successful through writing, sharing, and teaching!
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